An Ode to Gurudeva

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This poem is dedicated to my spiritual master H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami. I became his duly initiated disciple on 6th Jan 2019. Grateful to Guru Maharaja for accepting me as his disciple!

The heart can think of no deeper devotion

Greater than being a drop in the ocean

In your causeless mercy, I repose my faith

– The only hope for this restless and eager wraith.

I used to complain, sit, rave and rant

And now I calmly raise a joyful chant

In blissful ecstasy, I dance and end in tears

O Master! The magical potion for all my fears!

Your relentless service and deep humility

Profound wisdom, knowledge and spirituality

An exemplary life with purpose to serve

Your infinite blessings are more than I deserve.

You saved this weary soul from clutches of ignorance

Forever indebted for your unconditional acceptance

O Master! Your blessing is a gift of divine chance

Your instructions are my only hope of deliverance.


©2019 Shaloo Walia All rights reserved



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