One small change

Sometimes the littlest change can make a world of difference.

One of my favorite author Robin Sharma advises to make small, incremental changes to go from where we are to where we want to be.

Over the last six years, I have been making tiny changes in my life. Small changes which have resulted in a big difference!

Sometimes, when we think about all the changes we need or want to make, overwhelm sets in and we procrastinate. And that’s where we have to remind ourselves that a small change will do; a small change is all that is needed to begin.

Tiny changes lead to real and sustained transformation. Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.

What little change might change your life? Go through my list and if it appeals to you, you can pick one or two from the list below at random:

1.    Live in the present moment.

2.    Meditate.

3.    Automate your bills and savings.

4.    Smile. It makes a difference.

5.    Stop clinging to the past and learn to let go.

6.    Declutter a thing a day

7.    Enjoy the music when you are stuck in a traffic jam. Your peace of mind is in your hands!

8.    Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong.

9.    Keep a journal.

10.  Savor life’s simplest pleasures.

11.  Read daily.

12.  Make your life matter by doing a random act of kindness daily.

13.  Exercise daily even if for fifteen minutes.

14.  Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.

15.  Make a to-do list at the end of the day. The next day, start by doing the three most important tasks on the list.

16.  Stretch your hand first. Don’t wait for others to extend a hand of friendship.

17.  Be in gratitude. Write down the things you are thankful for each day in a journal or use the random gratitude app.

18.  Say no to distractions by taking a digital sabbatical for sometime every day.

19.  Improve your work every single day.

20.  Get up early and use that extra time to exercise, read or meditate.

21.  Keep a piggy bank. A simple, old-fashioned way to save.

22.  Spend quality time with your kids. It’s the quality of time and not the quantity that matters.

23.  Never miss a moment to celebrate.

24.  Stop expecting from others. Expectations reduce joy.

25.  Become vegetarian. It may seem difficult to some but it’s not impossible!

26.  Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.

Do share the small changes which have made your life better/easier in the comments section below.

© 2017 Shaloo Walia All rights reserved




  1. A comprehensive list Shaloo. Earlier I used to fret a lot when I was stuck in a traffic jam. Now if i am alone, I listen to music else if with family we chat or play a game. I try the not to allow the traffic snarl to spoil my mood.

  2. Enjoyed this a lot, as I enjoy all your posts. Changing only one small thing at the time, in an authentic way, goes such a long way. There are treasures to be found in this list, and what’s more, they are so simple, if only we want to see!
    Thank you!

    1. Thanks a lot for your generous praise! Making big changes seem intimidating but small changes are easy to make and can make a lot of difference.

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